Monday, February 20, 2012

New Moon and Bright Stars

Tomorrow's New Moon will make for a stars only sky tonight and it's likely to be cold and clear out. Jupiter and Venus continue their approach, Venus winning the race around the sun battle, gets higher, Jupiter drops lower and it's hard to miss the bright pair in the west at dark. The waxing crescent moon will glide past them as it returns by mid-week and will be to the right of Mercury on Washington's real birthday, the 22nd, but you will need a viewing sight with a fine west view. Uranus was close to Venus 11 days ago but would take some work to find in the west now; telescope required.
Red Mars rises not long after sunset in the east in Leo, closing in on the lion's heart, Regulus, with Mars much brighter than the still bright star. It's hard to miss the red planet and it will be directly behind the Earth from the sun - opposition- on March 3rd.
Saturn rises in eastern Virgo about 10pm and compares nicely in brightness with Spica, the dominate star in the long, hard to figure constellation.
Get out and look, the winter sky is spectacular right now.  The winter hexagon, with Orion trapped inside is glorious as the sky darkens.

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