Thursday, January 19, 2012

Moon in Scorpio

If you have been up early the last couple mornings you may have seen a lovely waning crescent moon approach and slide through Scorpio, just above the red supergiant Antares this morning and near the stinger  tomorrow morning. New Moon is early Sunday morning and next week the waxing crescent will approach and hang out with Venus, now the bright spot high in the west at sunset. Venus moves higher and Jupiter approaches, almost south at sunset. Mars is rising earlier and its red color jumps out when you see it near the head of Virgo; compare it to not far off Betelgeuse and Mars wins the redness award. Saturn is not far behind Mars and also bright near not quite as bright Spica, the brightest star in Virgo. It's rings are tilted nicely for telescope viewing (or a camera on a tripod with 20x zoom).
The bright stars of winter dominate the sky after dark, get out and look, just bundle up.

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