Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Moon, Jupiter Encounter!

The full Hunter Moon of October and its spring tides combined with Hurricane/Blizzard Sandy to make for an Atlantic Ocean that reached farther inland along the east coast than most anyone had ever seen. Sandy is headed north and as the southern skies clear that waning moon is sliding closer and closer to Jupiter.  If the skies clear for All Hallows Eve, trick or treaters will see the bright moon between the Pleiades and Jupiter. November 1st will be a treat with Jupiter sitting right above the moon.  Aldebaran is the red star just to the right (west) of Jupiter and while bright on it's own right is much dimmer than the king of the planets. The moon and Jupiter have even a closer encounter at month's end (28th) when the moon is full.  That full moon will also graze the earth's partial shadow (penumbra) for the western US.
The new moon on the 13th/14th will be lined up with the earth and sun and cast the shadow of a totally eclipsed sun on earth for the first time in over 2 years. You will either need to be in northern Australia or the southern Pacific to see this one. I wonder if late bookings are available for eclipse cruises?
The constellations of winter are rising earlier and earlier and there is less and less daylight so get out and check out the space around you, today on earth.