Saturday, September 8, 2012

Quarter Moon and Jupiter

Quite a lovely spectacle presented in the wee hours of this Saturday: Jupiter just above the first quarter moon. Both far outshone the brightest star of Taurus, Aldebaran and Jupiter will continue to out shine the eye of the bull for some time to come. Jupiter is retrograding away from Aldebaran but will soon continue its westward movement rising earlier and earlier in the evening sky. The moon will be to the lower left of the king of the planets early Sunday morning on it slide toward a close encounter with Venus Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. Venus is near the beehive in Cancer but the moon will wash that out for naked eye observers. Venus is up about 3 1/2 hours before the sun and more than 90 degrees away from Earth and in a gibbous phase.
Mars is now east of Saturn in the western sky at dusk, both barely 10 degrees above the horizon. Mars will stay there working eastward out of Virgo and into Libra by month's end while Saturn continues to slide into the sunset, gone by early October. The waxing crescent moon will pass by the evening planets around the time of the autumnal equinox, 10:49am EDT on the 22nd.
Clear skies and cool, dry air should make for a nice few days of sky gazing, get out and check our your world, today on earth.